Alican. P

I love the meal options on The Food Effect Method lifestyle, and the fact that I can switch meals around so I don’t have to try and eat things I really don’t like (beetroot!) is fantastic.

I have lost about 5 stones (70 pounds!) following The Food Effect principles for 11 months – I’m now down to a UK size 12 and couldn’t be happier.

I have tried plenty of diets over the years, but this is a way of eating that I intend to follow for the rest of my life and where I feel GREAT – fit and healthy, with good skin and loads of energy which is not bad for someone who is now nearly 60.

I’ve recommended The Food Effect Method to others and my sister has lost 10 kilos (22 pounds) in 6 weeks since starting this program. Further proof if it were needed that this works! No hesitation at all about recommending Dr Michelle’s approach!

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