
I love the meal options on The Food Effect Method lifestyle, and the fact that I can switch meals around so I don’t have to try and eat things I really don’t like (beetroot!) is fantastic.

I have lost about 5 stones (70 pounds!) following The Food Effect principles for 11 months – I’m now down to a UK size 12 and couldn’t be happier.

I have tried plenty of diets over the years, but this is a way of eating that I intend to follow for the rest of my life and where I feel GREAT – fit and healthy, with good skin and loads of energy which is not bad for someone who is now nearly 60.

I’ve recommended The Food Effect Method to others and my sister has lost 10 kilos (22 pounds) in 6 weeks since starting this program. Further proof if it were needed that this works! No hesitation at all about recommending Dr Michelle’s approach!

Alican. P

Michelle’s nutrition program and continuous support have improved my life tremendously. My constant bloating disappeared, my metabolism and energy levels got so much better, and I managed to lose over 14kg slowly and steadily, which is the best way to maintain stable results.

Michelle is one of the kindest, most caring and yet professional people I’ve met, and it’s been a real privilege to work under her guidance for the past 16 months.

Sarah. H

After a crazy holiday season in my restaurant/bakery, my diet went to shambles! After a series of blood tests, I got a wake up call from my doctor that my LDL (bad) cholesterol was creeping up and up.

I started back on The Food Effect attack phase and I’m already 4.9 lbs down after just two weeks and feeling the best I’ve felt in months! Thank you Dr Michelle for creating a program I can come back to even months later, which always guarantees success!

Teresa. O

Back in April 2021 I purchased The Food Effect books but shamefully didn’t do the diet just read them and thought “yeah but I can do this quicker by doing Keto, or low carb, or….”

Fast forward to January 2024, I’ve decided no more quick fixes! So I really thought “what do I like to eat, what do I miss giving up most and what can I do long term??” Looking at all my diet books (and there are lots!) I decided that actually Dr. Michelle’s sitting on my bookshelf was the one that contains “my foods”! Yay!! Day one I made the Butternut and Green Bean Casserole and it was delicious! Root Veg Curry tomorrow… Thank you Michelle x

I feel that I have found my diet tribe!! x

Julie. J

I lost 22 kilos (48.5 pounds!) using Dr. Michelle’s The Food Effect meal plan and managed to fit into my smallest ever dress size at age 59 for my son’s wedding! Thank you so much Michelle x

Sarah. H

Michelle’s healthy eating plan is so effective for weight loss and overall wellbeing.

I don’t feel deprived or hungry at all, and feel more energised than ever too! I am grateful for all her support and suggestions about how to make eating more interesting and exciting, while still keeping to her plan.

Maureen. B

The Food Effect Diet book is so fab and easy to follow. I am enjoying all the recipes and am down 6 pounds and feeling great! It’s the lowest I have been since having my daughter two years ago! Thank you so much Michelle

Katherine. A, charity worker

It has been a year since I came to Michelle as a client to help with severe digestive issues I was struggling with for years.  I have stuck with the changes she advised, and the results have been amazing!  It’s the best I’ve felt in 10 years since doing this.  I have had some times where the stomach issues came back from a few days at a time, but nothing like the weeks on end I had before seeing Michelle.  I have also got to really like eating this way, and dropped weight in the process!  Thank you so much Michelle

Marc. Z

Michelle has completely changed my life. I’ve always struggled with weight and tried many diets. None of the diets really addressed the underlying issues I had. I dieted with some success but always regained the weight eventually because my bad eating habits weren’t actually addressed.

After having an initial meeting with Michelle, she immediately pinpointed my issues and created a bespoke plan just for me. I have since lost almost 2 stone (28 pounds) and I have a much healthier relationship with food. Her programmes are satisfying and I love what I eat. I also feel a real sense of control, which I never really had before. I know this is for life now and I have Michelle to thank for it. She is worth her weight in gold. May she go from strength to strength.

Linda. G, headmistress

Finally a healthy eating book whose contents I really felt I could trust (I also purchased The Food Effect Diet Vegan book after reading the first). I love the meal plans with recipes that are really doable and knowing what I am eating is good for my body. Just taking on the principles without even following the plan has resulted in greater wellbeing, better self control, and sustainable weight loss even while having my daily dark chocolate treat. Highly recommend both Dr. Michelle’s books!

Hazel. R

After using Michelle’s first book, I had to buy her second (The Food Effect Diet Vegan). It changed my life, and I was interested in trying out this book too. Highly recommend both of them!

Sara. I

As someone who is not vegan but looking to explore more plant based eating, The Food Effect Diet Vegan book couldn’t be better! It gives so much background on nutrition, the science of what we need to be healthy on a vegan diet, what supplements to take (& which are unnecessary!) and best of all, hundreds of super easy vegan meal options and recipes that really showed me how easy it is to give up meat and animal products. The recipes all use every day groceries, unlike a lot of vegan books I’ve looked at. A real win all round!

John. V

I bought The Food Effect Diet Vegan book for myself as I wanted to get into a routine with my eating and also lose weight. I’m into my second week of the plan and not only are the meals delicious and I’ve tried so many new recipes, I have managed to lose 5 pounds in the first week, and overall feel less bloated. I would highly recommend this book as it has a great meal plan and goes into a lot of depth about why and what you will be doing.

Beth. B

The Food Effect Diet book is honestly the the best I have ever read! It is clear and easy to read, offering great information and delicious, healthy recipes. It has put me on a healthy eating path which I haven’t been able to follow elsewhere. Highly recommended!

Lea. D

Michelle didn’t put me on a “diet”, she taught me the value of healthy eating.  After my initial consultation, I expected to start my journey alone; however Michelle sent a detailed personalised meal plan just a few days later, together with numerous exciting, healthy and easy recipes to try.  Food and cooking has transformed from being a burden to being fun, colourful, exciting and delicious!  It is not an exaggeration to say that Michelle has changed my life (and the inside of my fridge and larder!)

Stacey, retail consultant

The Food Effect Diet teaches you how to live a healthy lifestyle! What I love the most is that Michelle gives you so many recipes and food ideas that you won’t go hungry and she gives you the freedom to come up with your own ideas too! We’ve really seen a first hand extreme weight loss from using this book!

Mira. Z

I’m reluctant to describe this as a “diet” – it’s more a tutorial in healthy eating, which sounds uninspiring doesn’t it? But the results are phenomenal. The 28-day plan is very cleverly tailored to suit the working lifestyle (saving half of supper for lunch the next day) and there are no fancy ingredients; just about everything you need can be bought from a local shop – Dr. Braude has made it as easy as possible. The meal portions are generous too – my husband has a big appetite and found the meals very satisfying (okay, maybe not the vegetable quinoa, but he’s learning!). Now we know what we should and shouldn’t be eating, so we cook slightly more adventurous, spicy recipes and my interest in cooking has at last been rekindled. In 10 weeks, I’ve lost over a stone (14 pounds!) and my husband has lost well over 2 stone (28 pounds!), but the REAL reward from eating this way is how much better we feel; our whole metabolisms just seem to be “sorted” – no more bloated, uncomfortable stomachs, energy slumps or general lethargy. My cholesterol level has dropped from 5.6 to 3.2 – how cool is that?! It’s incredible that just eating well can have such an effect – we take no supplements, it’s purely down to this book – I can’t recommend it enough.

Rebecca. B

I am so happy I purchased The Food Effect Diet book! It is beyond informative and I love all the principles, i.e. not cutting out any food groups, but instead focusing on ‘good’ healthy carbs, non-processed and whole foods. As well as for weight loss, it is so great to feel so healthy and fresh, eating all of the very delicious, nutritious and easy-to-follow recipes (they leave me feeling so full and I’m truly eating a rainbow everyday!)

The main thing I love about this book is that rather than a fad diet, it gives you healthy lifestyle principles for life. Plus, to get back on track (which I personally have needed post pregnancy), there is a wonderful 28 day plan to follow if you fancy. I’m on day 25 and have loved everyday (it’s super easy as you can interchange meals also). I have recommended this book to everyone! We should all be taught these lessons in school.

Elizabeth. A

Over the last year I have tried many different nutrition plans from different nutritionists. All were restrictive in some way and didn’t fit in with my day-to-day life. My wife found Michelle on Instagram. The initial consultation was great, with Michelle understanding my goals and wanting to lose the stubborn 3 kilos before my wedding, which I hadn’t been able to lose. I saw results after a couple of weeks, and never felt (or feel) restricted. I enjoy every meal from The Food Effect plan and don’t feel bad when I go out to eat and drink. I highly recommend Michelle and wouldn’t go to anyone else.

Maor. S

Michelle is such a great coach. Everyone should have a Michelle in their life!

Liz. A, charity director

Having adopted vegetarianism at seven years old, I was never really overweight even though I didn’t eat particularly healthily. That all changed when I got married at twenty-four. The weight slowly crept on as I gave in to all sorts of bad cravings – copious amounts of refined carbs in many forms, unhealthy processed ‘vegetarian’ products, and many sugary treats were the order of the day, quite literally. At the time of going to see Michelle, I weighed in at 93kg and need to lose about 23kg of that (to get to my optimal weight of 70kg). I did a lot of research and came across Dr Michelle Braude and The Food Effect through acquaintances who couldn’t recommend her more highly. With her combined medical knowledge and expertise in nutrition, I felt so at ease with the meal plan and lifestyle she prescribed for me. I loved that I was able to share my blood results with Michelle (charted all the way through my weight-loss journey), and I have my blood pressure taken at every follow-up. Today, three years later, I weigh 68kg thanks to The Food Effect way of living. I have kept a consistent weight to what I got to with Michelle (with a slight fluctuation of up to 2kg maximum) and have never been happier. What Michelle does is lifesaving stuff. I cannot thank her enough!

David, IT consultant

Michelle’s advice, guidance and meal plan have helped me lose an amazing amount of weight, without feeling hungry and with significant benefits to my health and well-being. I love her recipes, which I make for my whole family (including three ravenous sons), who don’t even realise I’m on a diet!

Elizabeth, barrister

I went to see Michelle primarily because I needed help controlling some long standing stomach issues.  Michelle suggested an eating plan that was easy to follow and allowed me to eat much more than I was before, but this time of the correct foods.  Within a week my stomach symptoms were under control and I was losing weight too!  In four months I lost just under 18 pounds, and the best part is I no longer take any medication for my stomach.  Michelle – I was skeptical at first about eating more and losing weight (!?) but guess what??  You were right!  Thank you for your friendliness, availability and support, and for turning my life around!

Esther, psychologist and teacher

Thank you to Michelle at The Food Effect for such inspirational, healthy and delicious recipes and meal ideas for the busy professional. As a busy doctor who never stops, they make eating well, extremely possible! “World Cup Pea Soup” is incredible!!!

Daniel, anaesthetist

Through living and eating The Food Effect way, Michelle shows that food can be healthy and enjoyable at the same time.  The meals and recipes are outstanding, colourful and delicious, and about as far from dullness and deprivation as I could imagine!

Gemma, accountant

I went to see Michelle precisely because she is medically qualified – I truly believe that someone who influences my diet needs to have a holistic approach and only someone medically, as well as nutritionally qualified has the ability to do that. I’m a challenging case because I have lots of food fads which, (along with keeping kosher), means I have a pretty restricted diet. Nevertheless, Michelle was able to design a diet for me that I’ve been able to follow since seeing her originally a year ago (last January).

I went to see her weighing 95 kilos and I’m now 83kg. I could do with shedding quite a few kilos more and thanks to Michelle I know exactly how to do that…  it’s just a question of how disciplined I am in following the personalised plan she developed for me (which really is so simple & manageable, I have no excuse!)

Mark, communications company owner

Michelle was outstanding in educating and helping me see that I didn’t have to refrain from eating everything I loved to achieve a healthy, slimmer me. I have lost 10 kilograms and kept it off and I am still having my beloved fried egg sandwich on a Friday morning!  I feel better than I have in many years.

Trevor, banker and senior relationship manager

The Food Effect Diet has transformed my life.  I enjoy my eating plan and look forward to my meals and snacks.  I am never hungry and am still losing weight!  Thanks Michelle!

Judy, personal assistant